CustoMer Success Master Class

Meet the creator of the Customer Success Methodology

About the Creator

Elizabeth MacAulay-Italiano is the Founder and Managing Director of WnTD. She brings 14 years of business experience and 9 years of Customer Success experience to WnTD and Customer Success Master Class. Her background includes work with organizations such as Xerox, Salesforce, and Vend POS. Elizabeth’s passion is Customer Success, however, her expertise encompasses the end-to-end business processes from developing the go-to-market strategies through to customer journey development. The combination of her experience and passion for customer success allows her to create customer centric cultures that scale across an entire business. She has most recently taken her knowledge and years of work in CS and used it to create the Customer Success Master Class Workshop Series. Connect with her on her social media pages. She loves to chat about anything and everything CS, SaaS and tech related! 

Customer Success Master Class LEvel 1

In this Customer Success training workshop we will cover the fundamentals of strategic thinking and execution within Customer Success Management. We will introduce the concept and framework behind the Desired State of Customer Engagement and The Customer Success Methodology.

Customer SUccess Master Class Level 2

The level 2 workshop takes the concepts, practices and frameworks learned in Level 1 and applies them specific roles and responsibilities within Customer Success. After learning and practicing core concepts covered in Level 1, CS professionals will learn how to apply both strategic and tactical methods to core functions within CS. This course continues to build upon The Customer Success Methodology and The Desired State of Customer Engagement. 

Customer Success Master Class LEvel 3

Level 3 is all about mastery of Customers Success roles and functions. Building even further upon the principles and concepts of the previous workshops, this series helps CS professionals hone their skills and knowledge and gets them ready for the next level of their career, whether that’s becoming an Enterprise or Sr CSM or a CS leader. This course teaches advanced concepts such as data insights for CS, executing on QBRs in front of CEOs and how to prepare for a career as a CS leader.

Master Class for Customer Success LEaders

This course is designed for leaders of Customer Success teams and departments. This workshop is broken out into three main categories. CS Strategy, CS Operations and Process and CS Leadership & People Management. We’ll cover how to create and enhance your CS strategy using the Desired State of Customer Engagement. Our Workshop will provide methods, strategies and tactics to that will help build Customer Success cultures, how to hire, nurture and growing amazing and high performing teams. We’ll also drill into topics such as, Customer Success Operations, data, metrics, measuring team performance and more. 

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